- 論文の詳細を見る
The Shih Lineage at Tsin-chiang, Fu-chien moved from a Province of Ho-nan during the Nan-Sung period. This paper looks at social and economic parts played by the Shih Lineage through the Tsu-P'u of them, Tsi-Min came out as Pe-fu-chang in the early Ming. They supervised salt workers of one thousand houses and took charge of the payment of a salt tax. In the middle Ming, the Shih-te era,they developed a lot of Tai-t'ien in shore, succeeded economically and became great landowner who had many Nu-p'u. They had not changed their position till the late Ming. Especially, they protected the people of local areas against the damage of Japanese pirates and rendered distinguished service. At the period of political disturbances in the early Ts'ing they equipped a defensive organization and gave great aid to the poor and the whole tribe. Secondly, according to the same tribe relation of the Shih Lineage, they strengthened the conbination by means of the editing of Tsu-P'u, the erection of Tsung-tz'u moreover establishment and employment of the same tribe pro-perty. They could have retained their stable influence through the political and social fluctuation in the late Ming and the early Ts'ing. The main reason for the success was that such a cooperation within the tribe was powerful. After all they started as a small-scale developer in the early Ming and became a great landowner who ran Tai-t'ien and salt farms. When Shih-lang distinguished himself by the conquest of the Cheng Lineage in the twenty-second year of K'ang-hsi, the influence of the Thih Lineage was well known with attaining a nationwide level from local. However, in view of the distinguished services of Shih-lang, they had a lot of knowledge and experience in fighting at sea over a long period. Accordingly, the reason why the Shih Lineage filled an initiative role of the development of Formosa was that the technical skill of water supply and engineering works and the ability in administration which had been cultivated by the exploitation of Tai-t'ien and salt farms at Tsin-chiang, Fu-chien before they went over to Formosa.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
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