近世経済発展と藩礼の発行 : 田谷博吉氏の見解に対する私見
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This paper undertakes to examine the role and functions of domain notes (hansatsu), or han issued currencies, in the development of the Japanese economy during the Edo Period. The earliest domain notes go back to the issue of silver notes by the Fukui Han of Echizen in the first year of the Kanbun Era (1661). In later years, up to 244 han, or roughly eighty percent of the country's 300 domains issued their own notes which remained in circulation until the edict of 1871 and the emergence of the new national currency. The issue of domain notes were closely related to the development of han economies as they were used to finance han monopolies which bought up local products such as cotton fabrics, paper, and candle wax for resale in the national markets. Generally, circulation of domain notes was limited within the domain of their issue. Supposedly, holders could demand conversion into Bakufu specie-gold, silver, and copper coins. However, overissuance as a measure to cover budget deficits was not uncommon, and as a result, in relatively many cases convertibility was lost and domain notes tended to become irredeemable paper money. In an earlier study of the historical characteristics of domain notes, I have used the concept of "credit money," and in this light have done a case study of the Tashiro domain of Hizen (under the rule of the Tsushima Han). In his review of the study, Prof. Hirokichi Taya has concluded that the Tashiro domain notes cannot be viewed as credit money, but rather merely functioned as government issued paper money. In the present paper, I attempt to give some counter-arguments against the interpretations of Prof. Taya. My point is to show that while domain notes had the characteristic features of fiat money within the issuing domain, they simultaneously and basically were credit issues, and that it is important to turn our attention to the fact that the establishment and circulation of domain notes with these compound features expanded the scope of economic development in the Edo Period and contributed to the formation of the historical foundations of the modern Japanese economy.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1982-07-15
- 総括と討論 (明治期における会社企業の発達)
- 小葉田淳著, 貨幣と鉱山, 思文閣出版, 1999年6月, xvi+269頁, 7,800円
- 「大阪学」について考える
- 柚木学著, 『酒造経済史の研究』, 有斐閣, 1998年12月, 310頁, 5400円
- 近世経済発展と藩礼の発行 : 田谷博吉氏の見解に対する私見
- 私鉄経営の成立とその展開 : 箕面有馬電鉄の場合を中心として
- 三木与吉郎編, 『阿波藍譜』(史料篇) 全三巻, A5判、全三巻、一、八八九ページ、三木産業株式会社刊行、昭和四十九年十二月発行
- 土肥鑑高著, 『近世米穀金融史の研究』, A5判、二七三ページ、柏書房、昭和四十九年十二月発行
- 土屋喬雄・山口和雄監修, 日本銀行調査局編 『図録日本の貨幣』 : 1原始・古代・中世, (東洋経済新報社、昭和四十七年十一月刊、三三六ページ、一五、〇〇〇円)
- 兵庫県三木市編, 「三木市史」, A判5、八〇〇ページ、昭和四十五年十一月、兵庫県三木市役所刊
- 秀村選三 監修, 米津三郎 校注, 『中原嘉左右日記』(第一巻), A5判・六一二頁・西日本文化協会 (福岡市天神三丁目四-九 鴨井ビル内) 発行
- 土肥鑑高著, 『近世米殻流通史の研究』, A5判・三二一ページ・日本史研究叢書 4・隣人社・昭和四十四年一月発行
- 問題提起 (明治期における会社企業の発達)
- 鴻池両替店の帳合法
- 田谷博吉著 『近世銀座の研究』, (A5判・四七六頁・吉川弘文舘・昭和三十八年五月刊)
- 中井信彦著 『幕藩社会と商品流通』, (A5判、二五一ページ、昭和三十六年五月、三八〇円、塙書房)
- 幕末期における貨幣流通の展開 : 長沢用所の産物手形について
- 近世貨幣思想史の一節 : 三善庸禮の紙幣論
- 明治初年における幣制改革の一考察 (目崎憲司博士還暦記念論文集)
- 米札發行の仕法と資本 : 泉州久世領伏尾地方の場合
- 歴史随想 「大阪学」について考える
- 財閥の比較史的考察--問題提起 (〔経営史学会〕第13回大会特集号)
- 総合商社と関連企業--岩井商店 (〔経営史学会〕第8回大会特集)