一九世紀末のイギリス帝国における特恵関税論争の一局面 : カナダの対英特恵関税設定 (一八九八年) をめぐって
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The purpose of this paper is to examine a tense confrontation between Sir Wilfrid Laurier, the French-Canadian nationalist prime minister, and Joseph Chamberlain, the most forceful imperialist Colonial Secretary, at the end of the nineteenth century. When the Laurier government introduced a 12.5% tariff reduction in favor of Great Britain in the famous Fielding Tariff on 22 April, 1897, as it was widely believed to be the commencement of Canada's pro-imperialistic "British preference" policy, it caused a great enthusiasm among the imperialists both in Canada and mother country. As Canadian Minister of Finance, W.S.Fielding, admitted, however, "We make our offer not to Great Britain only, but to every nation which is prepared to accept it". Actually, the reduction was not the British preference but the reciprocal tariff which was open to "every nation". Even the United States of America which had just introduced the hostile Dingley tariff bill, could entertain the same favourable tariff if only she would give Canada a same favourable treatment. In short, by conferring some advantage to mother country, the Laurier Government was actually exerting pressure on the U.S. to make a concession to Canada. On the other hand, Chamberlain who was shrewd enough to perceive Canada's strategy, intended boldly to take her tariff into his grandiose imperial Zollverein scheme. He ventured to abolish two free trade treaties with Belgium and Germany which prevented the Great Britain from accepting preferential tariff from the colonies. At the same time, he pointed out to Laurier that because of the most favored nation treaties between Great Britain and many foreign countries, Canada could not grant an independent preference to any third country unless she would limit the preference to Great Britain and her colonies. In face of the decision by Law Officers of the Crown in July, 1897 which endorsed the assertin of the Colonial Secretary, Laurier had to amend the tariff as indicated by Chamberlain. Thus Canadian reciprocal tariff of 1987 was tranformed to British preferential tariff in August, 1898, which marked a temporary defeat of Laurier in his long forthcoming struggle for independant Canada. Mostly based on the Colonial Office Papers, this paper would clarify this complex and inevitable transformation.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1991-09-25
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- 一九世紀末のイギリス帝国における特恵関税論争の一局面 : カナダの対英特恵関税設定 (一八九八年) をめぐって
- 一八九七年フィールディング関税におけるカナダの「対英特恵」政策
- カナダ連邦結成とイギリス帝国利害
- 大不況期のイギリス帝国連合運動と植民地--帝国連合同盟カナダ支部を中心に
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- イギリスの初期帝国連邦論と植民地