- 論文の詳細を見る
After the Jingo Incident, the Japanese Government took the military expansion policy and brought it into practice in 1883. But this attempt was essentially unpractical, for it implied a vast scale of military expenditure in spite of the depression days, so the government was faced with financial difficulties in 1885. As a result, the government made much of a reconstruction of the military expansion project, and the new programs centering on the Navy Loan were determined. The actual condition about the process of the reconstruction of this military expansion project was not well known. The primary objective here was to shed light upon this point. The result of this enquiry is as follows. At that time there exised a conflict between two groups inside the government. One is the group centering on INOUE Kaoru and MATSUKATA Masayoshi who favored a radical reduction of the budget and insisted on the vast reduction of the military expansion project. The other is the army circles who insisted on the further expansion of the project. Finally there reached a compromise between them, which was close to the former's insistence. The second objective of this paper is to illuminate what a historical significance the process of this reconstruction had. We made an analysis of this point in relation to the financial, political and diplomatic history.
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