- 論文の詳細を見る
Grain was a main source of the state revenue in the age of koryeo. Being collected all over the land as tax, grain was used to pay salaries to government officials, for the maintenanace of government offices, and for the provisions of the army. For the purpose of smooth transport of the tax grain to the capital the government founded thirteen choch'ang (漕倉) where they posted ships for the grain transport. Earlier studies have maintained that those choch'ang were the only state water transport system of tax grain Koryeo. But it was impossible to finish the work within the limited time only by the posted number of ships at choch'ang. It is necessary to pay attention to the means of transport that connected grain producing villages and choch'ang. It may have been that choch'ang system alone could not complete the water transport of tax grain. This article deals with kang as a complementary institution of choch'ang system. Hitherto paucity of data has inhibited students from paying much attention to it. The author analyzed the topography of the fifteenth century, and by comparing it with a map drawn on a scale of 1 to 50,000, could reconstruct fifty-five kang. The consequent findings as the nature of kang are as follows. (1) Kang are natural communities and at the same time the smallest unit of administrative organization. (2) Geographically seen, kang are ports. (3) The tasks of kang were to transport tax grain from producing villages to choch'ang or to the capital and to do harbour works of loading and unloading. (4) The above mentioned works were compulsory service imposed upon the inhabitants of kang. Only with kang as structurally complementary institution, choch'ang system could be operated with full efficiency. Thus the system of state water transport of tax grain in Koryeo is characterized by dual structure of choch'ang and kang, which was the smallest unit of administrative organization.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1980-11-30
- 書評 藤本幸夫著『日本現存朝鮮本研究』
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