李朝初の地方支配について : 『世宗実録』地理志姓氏条の性格検討をめぐって
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Sejong-Sillok Chiriji (世宗実録地理志) compiled in 1432 records many seongssi (姓氏) from one administrative district, gunhyeon (群県) to another. It has been thought by the precedent studies that these seongssi were the holdover of the social structure under the reign of the Koryeo dynasty (高麗朝). Scrutiny of the seongssi which are found in Koreosa (高麗史) and Yijo-Sillok (李朝実録), however, indicates it to be of more validity to think that they stood for the family names of those hyangni (郷吏) who were engaged in actual administrative works in provinces. Namely, the seongssi in Seong-Sillok Chiriji reflect to some exthent aspects of provincial government in the days when the book was compiled. In the early and middle periods of the Koreo dynasty hyangni had actual control over provincial communities. The central governments in the late period of Koreo dynasty and the early period of Yi dynasty, by means of a series of centralization policy such as consolidation or abolition of gunhyeon and appointment and accreditation of wegwang (外官), tries to attenuate the authority that hyangni had in provincial communities and to reduce their position there to that of minor officials of the local agencies of the central government. These policies should have institutionally denied hyangni control over provincial society, but in fact their control remained strong. It was difficult for the central government to implement its full reign over local communities without hyangni's help. Registration of family name of hyangni in Sejong-Sillok Chiriji is a reflection of such circumstances in the provincial society. Government of provinces, whether it was administrated by the central authority or by local hyangni, was not performed in a single uniform manner but in various ways from place to place. In those days the central government divided the persons in charge of local administration into the following four categories. 1. Hyangni of ordinary gunhyeon. 2. Keongajeon (京衙前) in Hangseong (漢城) and Kaeseong (開城). 3. Cheonni (典吏) in Chejudo (済州島). 4. Togwan (土官) and gunsa (軍士) in the northern boundary area. Absence of hyangni meant some peculiar situations of the place. Though the central government of Yi dynasty forcibly promoted centralization, it acknowledged peculiar social sturcture or ruling relationships in each provincial community and admitted the existing adequate persons in charge of actual administrative works. Thus government of provinces in the early period of the Yi dynasty, like that of the Koryeo dynasty, has a feature of multi-structure based on local peculiarities.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1979-03-10
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