唐船乗組員の個人貿易について : 日清の貿易における別段売荷物
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Sino-Japanese trade in the Edo era was carried on through Chinese merchants visiting Nagasaki every year. In the earlier days Chinese merchants came to Japan freely, but according as the production of copper, Japanese most important export goods, gradually diminished and its exportable amount fell down after the beginning of the 18th century, Tokugawa Shogunate gave admission to Nagasaki to smaller number of Chinese ships. After the middle of the 18th century, the center of Sino-Japanese trade in China was Cha-pu 乍浦 of Che chiang-sheng 淅江省. The Chinese merchants placed their headquarter there and established the trade system in which consignors in China 在唐荷主, ship owners 船戸, persons like supercargoes 船主, accoutants 財副, navigating officers 総管, and sailors 水主 or 工社 played their respective parts. In those days, the crew of the Chinese merchants' trade ship were supposed to be mere workers on board, but many of them made an attempt at private trade after 1785. In 1784 a fire took place in the Chinese residence 唐人屋敷. Many members of the crew of the Chinese ships lost their havings and they wanted to be paid for the damages. They requested the Magistrate of Nagasaki 長崎奉行 to permit them to sell remains of their havings and buy Japanese goods. The magistrate granted them to do so, and from the next year began the private trade 別段売商法 -selling out the Chinese crew's havings at Nagasaki as imported goods- and it continued till the end of the Edo era. In this paper the writer shows the way crew's goods were recorded in the catalougue of their ship's cargoes. On the crew's articles there were a part of their names recorded, and the Chinese character 記 was put after it. Thus, for example, Chen Guo ji 陳国記 meant that it belonged to Chen Guo-zhen 陳国振. The writer also clarifies that the private traders consisted of supercargoes, supercargoes residing at Nagasaki 長崎在留荷主, accountants, navigating officers, sailors, etc.. As time went by, their cargoes went on increasing, because the control over the crew by Chinese merchants in China turned weaker as the value of copper fell off. And it can be said that this system was similar to that carried on by the crews in English and Dutch Indiamen. In 1861 Sino-Japanes trade ended with the visit of the last two trade ships to Nagasaki.
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