一六世紀フランスの貨幣流通と商業 (<第三十九回大会特集号>社会経済史における16・17世紀)
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If one emphasizes the influx of American precious metals, one can say that, to some extent, the commercial activities in Europe throughout the 16th century were subject to the rhythm of the amount of trade between Seville and Spanish America. An upward trend of the volume of this trade (tonnage) is cut off by a depression at the middle of the 16th century. Hamilton's curve of the importation of American precious metals to Spain shows the depression from 1556 to 1560. On the ascending price movement in Spain, the period from 1550 to 1560 constitutes a landing. The price indices in France also mark a depression from the latter half of the fifteen-forties to the fifteen-fifties, and it corresponds almost exactly to the sluggish coinage of this period. At the same time, the bankruptcy of the Habsbourgs and the French monarchy dragged many merchants including the Fuggers into the trouble. What influence did this financial crisis of 1557-1559 have on the French economy? The judgements are opposed among Doucet, Hauser and Mousnier. Meanwhile, the trade activities at the ports of the Atlantic coast (La Rochelle, Nantes and Bordeaux) did not slacken in this period. When the state was seriously exhausted, these ports were in full activity. How is it that these ports did not share the financial crisis with the state and rather met a rush of trade? We think this is due to the following : firstly, those engaged in the commercial activity were small merchants (Nantes); and secondly, the merchants enjoyed the practically perfect right of duty-free (La Rochelle). For these reasons, the trade activities at the Atlantic ports were relatively kept apart from the sovereign powers and they did not share the trouble with the state. In addition, the following fact is more important. About the middle of the 16th century there occurred a conjunctural change in French monetary structure, which affected the region of the Atlantic coast more markedly than other regions. As the change took place earlier there, the silver coinage was growing rapidly instead of gold, which was insufficient or almost disappeared, in many cities of the Atlantic coast in the latter half of the fifeen-fifies. Consequently, these Atlantic ports suffered less from the monetary famine.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1971-06-30
- 十六世紀ヨーロッパの物価の動きと人口圧
- 二宮宏之さんを悼む
- 1936年のフランの平価切下げ : フランス人民戦線の経済政策 (高橋秀行 博士記念号)
- 『社会経済史年報』の創刊 : 『アナール』と二人の創始者
- 『アナール』学派と時系列史 (社会経済史の構成方法を求めて : 具体的事例に即して)
- 数量経済史 : 回顧と展望
- 一六世紀フランスの貨幣流通と商業 (社会経済史における16・17世紀)
- J. Marczewski, Introduction a l'histoire quantitative, Geneve, Droz, 1965; Histoire quantitative de l'economie francaise, 9 vols. Cahiers de l'Institut des Sciences Economiques Appliquees, 1961-1967.
- 川久保公夫著 『経済発展と農業社会』, (昭和四二年一一月, 新評論社, 二四二頁, 九〇〇円)
- フランスの経済成長における諸要因 (経済成長の展開構造 : 各国経済の比較史的検討(社会経済史学会学会近畿部会サマー・シムポジウム))
- 一六世紀フランスの貨幣相場の変更
- 宮本又次著 「フランス経済史学史」, (A5判三六六頁、ミネルヴァ書房、昭和三六年九月刊)
- Carlo M. Cipolla Mouvements Monetaires dans l'Etat de Milan (1580-1700), 1952
- 二〇世紀の歴史学 : 若干の考察