三井家の経営 : 使用人制度とその運営 (近世と商業経営)
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This report deals with the employment system of the Mitsuis-one of the biggest enterprisers in the Jananese pre-capitalistic period, and it tries to understand the value system upon which the Mitsuis depended by investigating into the emproyment system and how it actaually functioned. There existed various hereditray systems that regulated the employees in the Mitsui household ; the employment of children (12 to 15 years old), the collective life with strict regulations and hard study in the shop, the promotion system with various ranks (ranking system), the retirement system which gives the employees the name and the shop insignia (or trade mark of Mitsui and the retirement allowances. Promotion went usually by seniority and sometimes by business achievement. Retirement was as a rule decided by the employers. The marriagiable employees after 10 to 15 years of service were the lower or middle stuffs of the Mitsuis and were qualified to be under the application of the above-mentioned retirement system. Most of them retired or were made to retire by this time. Very few were chosen to come to work from outside after marriage and formed the higher stuffs working in lifelong service. The delivery of the name and the shop insignia of Mitsui to successful retired employees showed that they were the sharer of the cultural value system of the Mitsuis which had then reliable social credit and reputation, and they started as small independent enterprisers with the retirement allowances and credit given to them. This meant the foundation of a hereditary business, much wished for by the sons of poor farmers or city workers who were not allowed to succeed to their father's occupations. These facts will reveal that the management of the Mitsuis as a big enterprise in Tokugawa era was based on the ethos of the smole household" in peasant society and it (the management of the Mitsuis) was sustained by organizing "the ethos of household" into its own rulting systems.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1966-03-31
- 大工頭中井家文書(十五)(史料紹介)
- 大工頭中井家文書(十四)(史料紹介)
- 大工頭中井家文書(十三)(史料紹介)
- 大工頭中井家文書(十二)(史料紹介)
- 大工頭中井家文書(十一)
- 大工頭中井家文書〔翻刻〕-14-(史料紹介)
- 大工頭中井家文書(一〇)(史料紹介)
- 大工頭中井家文書(九)
- 大工頭中井家文書(八)
- 大工頭中井家文書(七)
- 大工頭中井家文書(六)
- 大工頭中井家文書(五)
- 大工頭中井家文書(四)
- 大工頭中井家文書(三)
- 大工頭中井家文書(二)(史料紹介)
- 大工頭中井家文書(一)(史料紹介)
- 色川三中の黒船一件記録について(下)
- 色川三中の黒船一件記録について(中)
- 色川三中の黒船一件記録について(上)(国史,第五〇巻記念号)
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- 富士谷御杖の學説と思想
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