はしがき (近世と商業経営)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The six articles appeared in this special number of "The Socio-Economic History" are written based upon the papers read at the 34th annual meeting of the Socio-Economic History Society, which was held at Osaka University on May 30, 1965, under the general theme : Management of Commercial Enterprise in the Tokugawa Period. The organizers-Prof. M. Miyamoto and myself-had selected the reporters not only from among economic historians but also from among specialists in neighboring fields of study-sociology, accountancy, and so forth-in expectation of throwing lights on many aspects of merchant houses in pre-Meiji Japan. The items taken up by the organizers were as follow : (1) the character of the subject of commercial enterprise, (2) methods and development of commercial transactions, (3) financier management and book-keeping, (4) human relations management. The intention of the organizers seems to be well materialized by the following six sarticles. (1) As for the character of the managerial subject, Mr. Nakano, depending upon his field survey and documentary analysis of many merchant houses in Kyoto, clarifies that the merchants in those days put almost absolute importance on the "ie" (house or household) and that the everlasting prosperity of the "je" was the ultimate desire of them in managing their bisiness. (2) Mr. Kawakami explains the commercial activities of the House of Konoike, one of the biggest Osaka merchants, from its start as a sake-brewer to its success as a financier, and Mr. Mori gives a clear view of the same House in its daimyo-gashi (money-lending business to the daimyo). (3) As for the financing management, Mr. Uemura refers to the money-borrowing by the famous Toyama peddler druggists for the purpose to balance the deficit of revenue, which was the natural result of selling druggs on credit. The more interesting is the analytical study by Mr. Ogura of the book-keeping method of the House of Nakai, the biggest Omi merchant in the Tokugawa Period. According to him, the double entry method had already been completed in the middle of the eighteenth century, which might be compared with the German method in the same age. (4) The article by Mr. Nakai, which deals with the House of Mitsui, shows how the employees were promoted from apprenticeship to the position of managers, and how the loyal employees were treated after their retirement. It also refers to the fact that the employee managers were trusted by the masters with almost all the managerial activities. These practices seem to have a close connection with the desire for the everlasting prosperity of the "ie", which is mentioned by Mr. Nakano.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1966-03-31
- 日本的経営の集団主義とそのルーツ
- 桑原哲也著;『企業国際化の史的分析』 : 戦前期日本紡績企業の中国投資
- 歴史的に見た日本資本主義の個性
- 日本の経済発展と儒教
- 角山栄編著;『日本領事報告の研究』
- 中川敬一郎著;『イギリス経営史』
- 角山栄著;『時計の社会史』
- 鳥羽欽一郎外3氏著『日本月賦産業の歴史と展望』(東洋経済新報社,昭和56年)
- 小林正彬著;『日本の工業化と官業払下げ : 政府と企業』 : 政府と企業
- 桂芳男著;『総合商社の源流鈴木商店』
- 梅村又次・新保博・西川俊作・速水融編;『日本経済の発展 : 近世から近代へ』
- 明治30年代の職工雇傭の状態
- 日本の経済近代化と伝統
- 鳥羽欽一郎著;『企業発展の史的研究 : アメリカにおける企業者活動と経営管理』
- 上林貞治郎・栗田真造・井上忠勝・笹川儀三郎共著;『経営史の研究』
- 「パートナーシップ」覚え書
- デュポン社経営史略 : ワンマン経営から組織的経営へ
- 野藤忠著;『ツァイス経営史』
- 菅野先生の思い出
- 北村次一著, 『ドイツ企業家史研究』, A5判、一三五ページ、一五七六年三月、法律文化社発行
- 本庄栄治郎先生を憶う
- 問題提起 (資本輸出の諸問題)
- 小倉正恒伝記編纂会, 『小倉正恒』, 住友銀行内、小倉正恒伝記編纂会発行、昭和四〇年三月、A5判九九八頁、非売品
- はしがき (近世と商業経営)
- 企業家の先駆河合寸翁
- コメント (第7回〔経営史学会全国〕大会特集〔統一論題「日本における科学技術の導入と開発--企業と技術」〕) -- (学校教育と産業技術)
- 日本経営史における「家」の問題〔経営史学会第2回大会報告〕(付,コメント・栗田真造)