Spectrum of Two-Dimensional (Super) Gravity
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We review the BRST analysis of the system of a (super)conformal matter coupled to 2D (super)gravity. The spectrum and its operator realization are reported. In particular, the operators associated with the states of nonzero ghost number are given. We also discuss the ground ring structure of the super-Liouville coupled to c^^^=1 matter. In appendices, hermiticities, states for c<1 conformal matter coupled to gravity and the proof for the spectrum are discussed.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1992-12-10
ITOH Katsumi
Department of Education, Niigata University
Itoh Katsumi
Department Of Education Niigata University
Itoh Katsumi
Department Of Physics Brown University
Ohta Nobuyoshi
Institute Of Physics College Of General Education Osaka University
ITOH Katsumi
Department of Physics, Brown University
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