Determination of Fusion Rule for E_8-Type Conformal Field Theory : Particles and Fields
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We show that the fusion rule for a modular invariant E_8-type conformal field theory, which is constructed from the one for the A_l^<(1)> Kac-Moody algebra by naive extension, is not associative. Then by imposing further restrictions to this naive fusion rule, we obtain 10 associative fusion rules for the left-right symmetric E_8-type conformal field theory. We also discuss the factorization property of the fusion rule into left and right sectors.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1991-08-25
Hayashi Masahito
Department Of Biomedical Information Institute Of Biomaterials And Bioengineering Tokyo Medical And
Hayashi Masahito
Department Of Physics Kyoto University:uji Research Center Yukawa Institute For Theoretical Physics
Hayashi Masaki
National Astronomical Observatory
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