On the Parallel between Zipf's Law and 1/f Processes in Chaotic Systems Possessing Coexisting Attractors : A Possible Mechanism for Language Formation in the Cerebral Cortex : General and Mathematical Physics
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A chaotic dynamics model of creating Markovian strings of symbols as well as sequences of "words" is exposed, and its relevance to Zipf's law in experimental linguistics is discussed. Recent developments of brain science and linguistics suggest a preliminary theory of language formation by means of chaotic dynamics both in groups of cerebral neurons and the thalamocortical pacemaker itself.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1989-08-25
津田 一郎
北大 電子科研
Nicolis John
Dept. Of Electrical Engineering University Of Patras
TSUDA Ichiro
Dept. of Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Computer Sciences Kyushu Institute of Technology
Dept. of Electrical Engineering, University of Patras
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- 30p-T-7 Dynamic Link of Memory and its Computation
- 4p-C5-6 Computational Linguistics : Zipf's law in chaotic dynamics
- On the Parallel between Zipf's Law and 1/f Processes in Chaotic Systems Possessing Coexisting Attractors : A Possible Mechanism for Language Formation in the Cerebral Cortex : General and Mathematical Physics
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