Spherical Limit of Coupled Time-Dependent n-Vector Models. I : Relaxation Phenomena for the Inversion of the Weak External Magnetic Field
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Coupling of two time-dipendent n-vector models is proposed and the later stage relaxation of magnetization M(t), fluctuation spectrum X(q, t) and autocorrelation function C(t) for the inversion of the weak external magnetic field h is discussed. Neither TDGL- nor Fokker-Planck equation for spins are used. The effects of weak magnetic field and thermal noises and the indirect effect of long-wavelength fluctuation are included in the strength λ of a coupling term λΣΣσ_j^mσ_j^m(t), which is assumed to follow the "nonlinear" Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. Later stage relaxation times of the above quantities and the life-time t_0 of upper magnetization are shown to be proportional to h^<-1>. The large λ case in Ma's recent paper is consistent with the cases h≡0 and t=Δt for T>T_c in this paper.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1980-05-25
Oku Michiyoshi
Department Of Pure And Applied Science University Of Tokyo
Oku Michiyoshi
Department Of Pure And Applied Sciences University Of Tokyo
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