Unitarity Bound of the Wave Function Renormalization Constant(Particles and Fields)
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The wave function renormalization constant Z, the probability of finding a bare particle in the physical particle, usually satisfies the unitarity bound 0 [<!_] Z [<!_] 1 in field theories without negative metric states. This unitarity bound implies the positivity of the anomalous dimension of the field in the one-loop approximation. In nonlinear sigma models, however, this bound is apparently broken because of the field dependence of the canonical momentum. The contribution of the bubble diagrams to the anomalous dimension can be negative, while the contributions from multi-particle states satisfy the positivity of the anomalous dimension, as expected. We derive the correct unitarity bound of the wave function renormalization constant.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 2003-07-25
Department of Physics, University of Tokyo
Itou Etsuko
Department Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
Higashijima Kiyoshi
Department Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
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