占領期における師範学校附属学校の自己改革運動 : 全国国立大学附属学校連盟によるアメリカ教師教育カリキュラムの受容
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This paper attempts to illuminate the process of forming the teacher education curriculum in Japan after the World War II. The traditional study of the history of teacher education curriculum has been constituted only of pointing to the conflict between the academism and professionalism. I would like to address a different perspective beyond this interpretation. This paper focuses on the goals and methods developed by those engaged in the alliance of the schools attached to normal schools. Since facing the existential crisis of the attached schools during the United States' occupation period, the educators of the attached schools began to volunteer to search for the new philosophy and roles of their schools by themselves. They actively sought the information of the curriculum of American teacher education and tried to find the positive role of the attached schools in providing the students with the professional training as future potent school teachers. In order to analyze this process, it is inevitable to scrutinize all obtainable records, including the documents of the attached schools, SCAP records, and interviews with those engaged in the teacher education reform during the occupation period. The staff of the attached schools organized the nation wide alley, called "Zenfuren" for their own existence. They tried to introduce the idea that the attached schools would play more important role for students' professional training not only as educators but also as philosophers experimenting the students' own idea and practices. The phrase "experiment" was emphasized to characterize their philosophy and method as John Dewey, a pragmatist of education. advocated the theory that a school should become a field for experimenting the project of the individual's and society's educational philosophy. Verna Carley, an advisor of CIE (Civil Information and Education) of GHQ (General Head Quarters), was the most important figure as a mission of American pragmatic teacher education. Carley, as a pragmatist mission of teacher education, who enthusiastically emphasized the importance of "professional laboratory experiences" which was recommended by American Association of Teachers Colleges. As Carley advised. Zenfuren attempted to enlighten the attached school teachers with the ideas of the teacher education curriculum. centering the professional laboratory experiences. But Zenfuren gradually shifted their concern to the method of practicum instead of the ideal. The most college professors neglected the ideal of the professional laboratory experiences. As a result, the reform plan of teacher education was realized only partially in the way of creating certain credits such as school observation, which is far behind the ideal of the reform of teacher education curriculum brought by American advisors.
- 日本教育学会の論文
- 2003-09-30
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