青年期女子の子どもに対するイメージ : 彼女たちを取り巻く人間関係と親準備性獲得の課題との関連
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In home economics education, acquiring readiness for parenting skills is an important subject. This study discusses how the images of female students toward children are affected by their human relationships. A questionnaire was given to female college students who hud jusl graduated from high school. The results showed that : 1. Most of them have positive images of children, though 1/4 of them have rather negative images. 2. The subjects who have negative images of children generally think less about their own future family life, get more irritated with their family and don't think their family members understand each other and they do not communicate adequately. It is hard for them to recall who guided them strietly or who was warm-hearted. 3. Having reliable friends is one of the important factors related to positive images of children, as well as having had experience in caring for infants. 4. It is suggested that the human relations around those who have negative images of children are poor both in quality and in quantity. Therefore, having human relations in which family members or friend either sympathize with the subjects and guide them is related to having positive images of children.
- 2003-04-01
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