- 論文の詳細を見る
The present paper is an attempt to describe and discuss several major themes in W.J. Cash's classical study about Southern culture and history, The Mind of the South(1941) . In this paper I hope to lay a groundwork for my future plans to review whatis called the Southern Renaissance, an intellectual movement in the South which,ranging from sociology and history to literature and journalism, tried to redefine theSouth by destroying cultural myths of its legendary past.Cash overthrows the plantation myth of the Old South, including the Cavalierlegend, by putting forward the planter-frontiersman theory. What Cash calls theproto-Dorian convention shows the way white Southerners become blind to their realinterests and suppress class consciousness whenever racial issues come up. Thispattern of working in the Southern mind, Cash insists, serves to determine the courseof Southern history in its crises, such as the Civil War, Reconstruction, the ages ofPopulism and Progress, and the period of depression in the 1930s. In addition to thisconvention based on the ideology of white supremacy, Cash reveals that whiteSoutherners' inveterate individualism as well as their inclinations for unreality, whichare reinforced by romanticism and hedonism, is responsible for the tragic history ofthe South.In his insightful analyses, Cash makes it clear that the mind of the South isvulnerable to illusions, thus incurring the political rule of myths and legends as anideological construction.
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