フォークナーのリライティングの方法と歴史意識 : 『征服されざる人々』における銃のモチーフ
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The present paper is an attempt to elucidate Faulkner's method of rewriting by focusing on several gun episodes in The Unvanquished. In the last chapter of the novei, "Alt 0dor of Verbena," Beyard Sartoris refuses to take revenge on B. J. Redmond for killing his father, Colonel John Sartoris, although he preves his honer and courage by confrondng Redmond without bearing a gun. This act is an act of "rewriting" his two previeus shoetings; he fired a musket at Union soldiers when he was twelve-years-old, and shet Grumby to deatk at fifteen. The former happened as a part of his war play with Ringo, his black playmate, and the latter was an act of revenge for the death ef his grandmother, Granny. Contrasting Bayard's cheice of nonvielence with those two gun episodes, Faulkner shews that Bayard criticizes and tries to change the Southern tradition of vielence. Therefere, Bayard's moral growth is accompanied by his successful search for a new pattern of behavior based on a newdefmition of honor and courage, which is also an act of rewriting the conventional form of histerical consciousness into a new one.
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