Investigation of Hot-Carrier-Induced, Abnormal gm Degradation in Sub-0.1-μm-Channel nMOSFETs/SIMOX with LDD Structure
Omura Yasuhisa
Department Of Applied Science Faculty Of Engineering Kyusyu University Electronic Equipment Develop
Omura Yasuhisa
Department Of Electric Engineering
- Simulations of High-Frequency Thermal Noise in Silicon-on-Insulator MOSFETs Using Distributed-Transmission-Line Model(Special lssue on Silicon RF Device & lntegrated Circuit Technologies)
- Investigation of Hot-Carrier-Induced, Abnormal gm Degradation in Sub-0.1-μm-Channel nMOSFETs/SIMOX with LDD Structure
- Theory of Surface Magnetoplasma Wave Near Cyclotron Harmonics in Strong Spatial Dispersion Region
- Theory of Surface Magnetoplasma Wave in Weak Spatial Dispersion Region