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What challenges are Christian churches in Asian countries facing today ? What kinds of theological attempts are made there, and what tasks are presented to the Church and theology in Asia ? In an attempt to answer these questions, the author first presents the concrete situation of the Church and theology in Asia, especially in the neighboring country of Japan. Then, in this global perspective, the author suggests tasks and future views for the Japanese church and theology. 1) Current situation of the churches in East Asia The historical, political, and social situations of the churches in Asian Pacific countries are presented according to the latest data. The Churches in Korea, Taiwan, People's Republic of China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines are described : with their actual state of growth, causes of their successes and failures, what problems and challenges, they face, and what theological project and tasks are foreseen. Historically, most of these churches were founded by missionaries in the time of Western colonial rule. Today, they are faced with political, economical, and social problems. Many of these countries are struggling fir the national integrity in the plurality of people, language, culture and religion. They are also in a rapid process of population increase while an unjust structure of society remains : the gap between the rich and the poor is great, and racial rioting and civil wars continue. One of the tasks of theology is to orient these churches toward the liberation of human dignity. 2) The tasks and future views of the Church and theology in Japan In comparison with the churches in other Asian countries, the characteristics of the church in Japan and its tasks are recognized as follows. ( 1 ) From a historical background : Unlike most of the countries described above, Japan has never been under the colonial rule of any Western countries. The Christian mission has been brought as an appeal to the free decision of individuals. Historically, however, Japan had invaded and ruled others Asian countries with violence and persecuted Christian churches there. Considering this historical background, two suggestions are presented : first, the Church in Japan should seek her proper shape and identity without following Western churches blindly. She should distinguish the Christian faith from its ways of expression that were brought from abroad. Secondly she should acknowledge her past sin of neglecting to oppose the militaristic violence against neighboring countries. She should make satisfaction to them by contributing to reconciliation and peace among peoples. ( 2 ) From the standpoint of national integrity and social stability : Japan has a long history of being an integrated nation consisting of homogeneous people, enjoying a relatively high economic standard and social welfare and security. Hence the Church in Japan has a tendency to remain on introverted closed middle-class community of with less awareness of the social problems of the world. Considering this situation, two suggestions are presented : first the church in Japan should be open to the increasing needs of migrants from abroad and accept and integrate, migrants especially Christian into her community. Secondly she should send her young members to workshops and volunteer services for justice and peace in Asian countries. ( 3 ) From the standpoint of tradition, culture, and the development of science and educational systems : Japan is one of the few countries in the world which possess a long tradition of a highly developed non-Christian culture and religion on one hand, and also enjoy the progress of modern science and technology supported by a wide spread educational system. From this fact, three suggestions follow : first, the Christian church in Japan should try to acquire a more influential position in the field of research and education. Secondly, she should promote dialogue with non-Christian religions on an academic level. Thirdly, she should promote exchange programs of research and education especially with Asian countries, inviting scholars and students who are expected to be future leaders of their churches. ( 4 ) In view of the situation of Christian church in society : Although religious freedom is guaranteed in Japan, the Christian church, including all Catholics and Protestants, remains only a tiny (less than 1% of the total population) minority in the midst of the secularized society. The Catholic Church, however, enjoys the highest rate of vocations to priesthood and religious life in the world in proportion to the number of the faithful (1 vocation among evry 55 Catholics) . This shows the awareness of the Japanese Christians in commitment to their Church. From this fact two suggestions follow : first, the Japanese Church should give a witness to the secularized society of the true Gospel view of values and ethics and the richness of life based on the Christian faith. Secondly, She should promote inter-confessional dialogue and cooperation in order to give a visible witness of the Kingdom of God. ( 5 ) Tasks and method of theology : While one of the main tasks of theology in the churches which face serious political, economical, and social problems is the liberation of human dignity from its oppression, the task of theology in the Japanese church is rather the apologia of Christian hope (1 Pet. 3,15) . This task of fundamental theology should be carried out concretely in academic institutes and, in dialogue with other sciences, should give the witness to the society of Christian hope. While the theology of liberation uses social analysis as one of its main tools, this fundamental theology should be based on the knowledge of the deep structure of Japanese culture. A methodology for obtain the adequate knowledge of culture, the structure of society, and the psycho-logy of people should be investigated more precisely.
- 上智大学の論文
- 2002-08-01
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