- 論文の詳細を見る
The temperature of the surface layer of artificial and natural turfs defined as within 5mmbelow the surface, was investigated at Shiga-kita preschool from September to December in2003. The correlation coefficients obtained by fitting the surface layer temperatures and thesurface temperatures of artificial and natural turfs to regression lines were 0.963 and 0.877,respectively. There was a significant relationship between the surface layer temperature andthe surface temperature of both turfs. The equations of regression lines were Y=1.02X(artificial turf) and Y=1.01X (natural turf), respectively. The surface layer temperature wassignificantly close to the surface temperature under the present conditions. The surface layertemperatures of the artificial turf were higher than those of the natural turf from Septemberto December in 2003. On September 18 (summer), the surface layer temperature of theartificial turf was higher by 20.7℃ than that of the natural turf. The correlation coefficientsobtained by fitting the surface layer temperatures of the turfs from the days after September18 to regression lines were -0.993 (artificial) and -0.998(natural), respectively. The rates ofdecrease in temperature per day were 0.390℃/ day (artificial turf) and 0.267℃/ day (naturalturf), respectively. The difference of the surface layer temperatures between both turfsdecreased from 16.4℃ on September 18 (summer) to 4.5℃ on December 25 (winter).
- びわこ成蹊スポーツ大学の論文
- 2005-03-15
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