ツゲノメイガの生活史に関する研究 : IV.幼虫発育に及ぼす寄主植物の影響
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Larvae of the box-tree pyralid, Glyphodes perspectalis (WALKER) were reared on three host plants, Buxus microphylla, B.sempervirens and B.microphylla var. insularis at various temperatures. The nutritional indices, consumption rate (CR), growth rate (GR), approximate digestibility (AD), efficiency of conversion of digested food (ECD) and efficiency of conversion of ingested food (ECI) of larvae for each host plant were obtained from the larval growth characteristics. In overwintered larvae, the highest CR was shown by the B.s.group, but the B.m.group showed higher GR and ECI at 25℃. When 4th instar larvae were reared at 18℃, 24℃ and 30℃, the highest indices were shown by the B.m.group and the lowest by the B.m.i.group at each temperature. Conversely AD was the highest in the B.m.i.group and the lowest in the B.m.group. For 6th instar larvae, most of the indices for the B.m.group were high, but CR was highest for the B.s.group. Moreover, growth and food utilization of larvae on these host plants at 18℃ and 30℃ were similar to those at 25℃ except for variation of AD with rearing temperature. Consequently, B.m.seems to be the best host nutritionally for larval growth of this moth and B.m.i.seems to be the worst.
- 1993-08-25
- A206 BT剤のハスモンヨトウに対する生物検定法(昆虫病理学・微生物的防除)
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