- 論文の詳細を見る
The Rufous Turtle Dove, Streptopelia orientalis, is a summer visitor, occurring from late March to late November in Naganuma, Hokkaido. The population density of doves showed slight fluctuations in the period 1976-1981. The breeding season from the first egg-laying stage to the last fledging stage lasted 7 months, from early April to late October. The incubation period ranged from 14 to 17 days (15.6±0.6 days, n=126; mean±S.D.) and the nestling period from 14 to 19 days (16.6±1.2 days, n=126). The breeding peak coincided with the germination period of soybean in the years 1976 to 1978. At this time, the number of nests with young was larger and the damage to soybean was higher than those in the period 1980-1983. Overall hatching rate of eggs throughout the 8-year period was 54%, fledging out rate 74% and breeding rate (young fledged from the eggs laid) 40%.
- 日本応用動物昆虫学会の論文
- 1984-11-25
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- A3 被害指数を目安とした抵抗性チリカブリダニ放飼時期と効果のモデルによる評価(ダニ)
- 薬剤散布環境下における薬剤抵抗性カブリダニによるハダニの生物的防除 : I.西ドイツ系チリカブリダニによる防除試験およびそのシミュレーション
- F218 イネミズゾウムシの防除要否判定モニタリング法の改良(病理学・微生物的防除)
- ホウレンソウケナガコナダニの薬剤感受性検定, ディッピング法による検定(第 7 回日本ダニ学会大会講演要旨)
- コナガの防除開始時期決定のための発生予測システム
- イネミズゾウムシの防除要否判定モニタリング法の改良