モンシロチョウの休眠誘起時における脳-側心体系の微細構造 : II.脳の神経分泌細胞の種類
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Neurosecretory cells in the brain of Pieris rapae crucivora were observed electron microscopically when the incidence of pupal diapause was determined humorally. Four types of NSC (neurosecretory cell) were classified according to the features of cell structure, i.e. cell size, evagination of glial cells into NSC, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi body, and especially, size of the secretory granules. There were two NSC-I's containing secretory grabules of ca.100 mμ in diameter and about ten NSC-II's with 220-240 mμ secretory granules in the dorsal part of the pars intercerebralis. And there were two NSC-III's with 180-350 mμ secrctory granules in the frontal part of the pars intercerebralis and several NSC-IV's with ca.120 mμ and larger secretory granules in the dorsolateral part of the brain. NSC-II's were presumed to be the source of the brain hormone (thoracotrophic hormone), because remarkable differences in cell activity were observed between diapause individuals and the non-diapause ones.
- 日本応用動物昆虫学会の論文
- 1972-03-25
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- モンシロチョウの休眠誘起時における脳-側心体系の微細構造 : II.脳の神経分泌細胞の種類
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