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The purpose of this study is to compare respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) with baroreceptor reflex sensitivity (BRS) before and after phenylephrine injection and paced respiration. RSA was measured as the difference between maximal RR interval in the expiratory phase and minimal RR interval in the inspiratory phase. BRS was assessed by the computerized scanning of spontaneous variations in systolic blood pressures and RR intervals which reflect baroreceptor-cardiac reflex function (sequence scanning method ; Bertinieri et al., 1988) . Systolic blood pressure was measured on a beat-by-beat basis using the vascular unloading technique. In the Experiment l (Exp. 1), 16 male students were injected phenylephrine (lOO μg) into cubital vein at the midpoint (3 min) of 5-min rest or mental arithmetic. In the Experiment 2 (Exp. 2), 19 male students were left in a 3-min spontaneous breathing and then asked for three 100-sec paced respiration (24 cpm, 12 cpm, and 6 cpm). The results were as follows; Exp. I : The significant increases in RSA and BRS were observed after phenylephrine injection during rest. The correlation coefficients between RSA and BRS were significant both before and after the injection : r=.68 to .69 during rest and r=.64 to .80 during mental arithmetic. Exp.2 : While RSA increased in accordance with the slowing of paced respiration, there was not such a clear tendency in BRS. The correlation coeificients between RSA and BRS were also significant both in the spontaneous breath and three paced respirations : r=.65 to.72. Because parallel and correlated changes in RSA and BRS observed in Exp. I were considered to be a compensatory vagal response to the drug-induced elevations in blood pressure, it was reconfirmed that the sequence scanning method seems to be a valid estimation technique of vagal tone. In addition, the paced respiration maneuvers in Exp. 2 showed clearly that BRS is relatively independent of the respiration rate. These findings suggest that BRS is more suitable for assessing cardiac parasympathetic control than RSA because of its greater specificity.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1994-08-01
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