心身症状(反応)の類型と治療・指導のあり方(生涯各期における心身症の諸問題 : 小児期)
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As the mental state and the physical state in children are immature and undifferentiated, and their defence mechanisms are not developed enough, they are apt to show extreme, strong and sometimes inadequate reactions as a whole.On the other hand, the ways in which symptoms (reaction), various kinds of conditions and problem behaviors manifest themselves depend on the developmental stage of mind and body, on the grade of combination of psychological and physical factors and on the environmental factors includinhg their developmental histories.So, when we diagnose a child's state as a psychosomatic (physiologic) symptom or disease, it will be more reasonable to diagnose on the basis of the extent in which psychological factors exert significant influences and on the effects of analyzing the mechanisms which make up symtoms or diseases, than on the names which diseases are usually called.In this paper, I have arranged the psychosomatic symptoms (reactions) frequently seen in children by classifing them into several groups, and displayed the ways of healing, guiding, and educating them, according to the mechanisms of symptoms (reactions).When we discuss psychosomatic symptoms in children, we must pay attention to the facts that children are more seriously influenced by the circumstances than by adults, because their defence mechanisms in mind and body are not yet fully developed.If we notice this facts, we are able to find that symptoms or reactions of childhood include a lot of reactions caused by mallearning or misslearning. So educational efforts must be made more frequently and effectively in treating children's psychosomatic problems.The necessity of providing the adequate circumstances for educating children and guiding parents should be stressed more eagerly.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1985-02-01
- 第7回国際心身医学会議に参加して
- 3歳児における食行動調査(第27回日本心身医学会総会一般演題に関する質疑応答)
- 心身症における身体的素因 : 小児科臨床の立場から : 特別講演
- 小児のノイローゼ, 若林慎一郎著
- 4.心身症状(反応)の類型と治療・指導のあり方(1.小児期)(生涯各期における心身症をめぐる諸問題)
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- 261 「自閉症」児における情緒、情操の問題 : 情緒遅延児としての考え方
- S-V 心身医学における小児科医の役割(小児科領域における心身医学)
- 思春期の心身症--登校不適応症 (日常診療における心身医学) -- (ライフサイクルと心身医学)
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- 7.喘息時の基本的生活習慣(一般演題)(第10回日本心身医学会近畿地方会演題抄録)
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- IB-9 小児の喘息発作へのバイオフィードバック法の応用
- 心身症状(反応)の類型と治療・指導のあり方(生涯各期における心身症の諸問題 : 小児期)
- 小児気管支喘息の施設入院による脱薬物依存とセルフコントロール(行動療法と行動評価)
- 13.小児気管支喘息の施設入院による脱薬物依存とセルフコントロール(一般演説III)
- 小児気管支喘息と社会復帰に対する行動的アプローチ
- 17 小児気管支喘息における条件反射学的要因と自己認識(一般演題(IV))
- 第3回日本小児心身医学研究会印象記(関連学会ニューズ)