老年期うつ病と身体障害の相関 : 山間過疎地における老年期うつ病の疫学調査より
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Reports on depressive disorders suggest that some physical illnesses are considerded to be an important risk factor for depressive disorders in the aged. However, it has hardly been known whether or not there is an epidemiological evidence confirming an existence of a correlation between deperessive disorders and physical illnesses in the aged population. We have made an epidemiological study on senile depression in Higashi-Kubiki county, Niigata prefecture since 1985. Based on the results of the epiderniological study, we will here describe some relationships between depressive disorders and physical illnesses in the aged. In a total member of 1,392 households of the aged (65 and older) in Oshima village and Matsunoyama Town, Higashikubiki-county, we have interviewed 822 (59.l%) in the summer of 1985. They were classified into either major depressive disorder (MDD) or minor depressive disorder (mDD), or non-depressive disorder (Non-D) by the Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC), and were surveyed as to the past history of physical illnesses, present physical disorders and a severity of physical disorders respectively. The results obtained were summarised as follows. 1) Of the 822,40 (4.87%) were diagnosed as MDD and 26 (3.16%) as mDD, and 756 (91.97%) as Non-D. 2) Life prevalence rates of cataracta and cerebral apoplexy were siginificantly higher in the MDD group than in the Non-D group (p<0.01). 3) There were no significant differences in any point prevalence rates of the present physical disorder (disorder of eye, ear, shoulder, hand, lower limb, waist, and others) between the MDD group, the mDD group and the Non-D group respectively. 4) Comparing with the Non-D group, the MDD group had disorders in the lower limb more commonly, as well as the rnDD group those in waist (p<0.02). 5) Population rates judged as "mild" physical disorder or "none" were high in the order of the Non-D, the rnDD and the MDD whereas, in contrast, those judged as "severe" high in the order of the MDD, the mDD and the Non-D (p<0.01). It seems to be reasonable to infer that physical disorders with pain or those leading to a loss of the role in daily life are prone to precipitate a development of depression in the aged, and that chronic severe physical disorders can be risk factors for a development of senile depression.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1988-08-01
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