- 論文の詳細を見る
The author investigated psychogenic visual disturbance in a 17-year old female who had been complaining of severe eyestrain, binocular central scotoma and constriction of the visual field. Results of general physical and neurologic examinations were normal. Moreover, by the objective visual field examination (Pupillographic Perimetry and Kani's fundus controlled Perimetry), no abnormal findings were observed. The results of psychological tests (P-F study, and GAT, etc.) revealed her characteristic personality tendencies including dependency, immaturity and phobic neurotic signs. We treated her with psychotherapy and tranquilizer. We discussed the difference in symptoms of psychogenic visual disorder between adolescents and infants and assumed the former was different from the latter. A 17-year old female complained of binocular central scotoma and constriction of visual field and she was diagnosed as a psychogenic disorder by the result of objective ophthalmological examinations (VECP, Pupillographic Perimetry and Kani's fundus controlled perimetry) and psychological tests. The author discussed the variation of symptoms in the psychogenic visual disorder from the view point of aging factors.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1983-02-01
松永 一郎
木下 功
宮崎 栄一
松永 一郎
Dept. of Clinical Psychology, Hyogo College of Medicine.
宮崎 栄一
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