- 論文の詳細を見る
Statistical studies on the prognosis of anorexia nervosa were carried out by our research group. Subjects were 224 cases from thirty six university hospitals throughout Japan. Criteria for the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa were defined as follows; 1. loss of more than 20% of standard body weight, 2. a history of weight loss for more than three months, 3. age of onset less than 30 years, 4. female, 5. amenorrhea, 6. eating disturbances, 7. desire to reduce body weight, 8. hyper-activity 9. denial of the existence of disease 10. absence of evidence of organic disease or endogenous psychiatric disease. A typical case is a patient who fills all of these ten criteria. The patient who fills criteria numbers 1,2 and 10 is termed as atypical case. Detailed data on the clinical picture of these patients was reported at the first presentation. This report is a follow-up on previously reported subjects. The questionnaire was mailed to each patient in cooperation with their doctors. The questionnaire included weight, self-image, attitude toward eating, gastrointestinal signs and symptoms, menstruation, marriage, psychosocial adaptation, occupation. and general health. The outcome of 143 out of 224 cases was judged by doctors. The outcome was good in 47(normal weight, no abnormal attitude toward eating, regular menstruation, satisfactory psychosocial adjustment) but it was intermediate in 69,and poor in 19 patients. 8 had died. Unsatisfactory outcome could be associated with clinical data such as late onset of disease, long duration of illness, presence of symptoms such as bulimia, vomiting and abuse of laxative, weak self-control, and poor parental relationships. The prognosis of typical cases was much poorer than that of atypical cases. This study was supported by a Research Grant for lntractable Disease from the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Japan. The authors took charge of the collection and analysis of the data.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1983-02-01
- 新しい質問紙法・エゴグラムの作成 : 第24回日本心身医学会総会一般演題に関する質疑応答
- IIC-2 新しい質問紙法・エゴグラムの作成
- 東大式エゴグラムの臨床的応用 : 第25回日本心身医学会総会一般演題質疑応答
- 東大式エゴグラムの臨床的応用(臨床心理 I)
- 神経性食思不振症の剖検例
- 神経性食思不振症の2剖検例 : 慢性低栄養状態の1剖検例との比較(摂食異常 V)
- 12. 新しい質問紙法エゴグラム(東大式)と, CMI, YGテストとの関係についての考察(第2報)(第41回日本心身医学会関東地方会演題抄録)
- 新しい質問紙法エコグラムの臨床的応用 (その1)
- サイバネーション療法の臨床(精神・神経(2))
- 新しい質問紙法エコグラム作成のこころみ(臨床心理(2))
- 2.α波フィードバック光駆動療法による内分泌学的効果の検討(第66回日本心身医学会関東地方会演題抄録)
- 23. データベースを用いた東大心療内科外来の患者動向の解析(第71回日本心身医学会関東地方会演題抄録)
- 3.α波フィードバック光駆動療法により軽快した乗物恐怖の1例(第66回日本心身医学会関東地方会演題抄録)
- 19. 痙性斜頸に対してEMGバイオフィードバック法による歩行訓練を行った症例(第67回日本心身医学会関東地方会演題抄録)
- 神経性食欲不振症の予後に関する集計的研究
- AII-9 神経性食欲不振症の心身医学的所見に関する集計的研究(第20回日本心身医学会総会一般演題に関する質疑応答)
- A II-9 神経性食欲不振症の心身医学的所見に関する集計的研究(神経性食欲不振)
- 欧米の心身医学教育から学ぶべきこと(指定発言)(21世紀に向けての心身医学の展望-教育について)(第28回日本心身医学会総会)
- 神経性食思不振症の病態と治療 : はじめに
- 28. 当院における心身医学コンサルテーションの現況 : 病棟のコンサルテーションを中心に(第69回日本心身医学会関東地方会演題抄録)
- 心身症病態の発生機序 : 器官選択をめぐって : 特に神経性食欲不振症について(特別講演2)(第71回日本心身医学会関東地方会演題抄録)
- IIA-3 神経性食欲不振症の疫学的調査 : 厚生省・中枢性摂食異常調査研究斑による