- 論文の詳細を見る
Effective treatment of writers cramp was investigated.The result of psychotherapy by interviewing of 3 cases took hardly any effect.The autogenic training-standard practice by taperecorder-was introduced to psychotherapy of 6 cases and half of them improved.The graphomotor retraining, which was devised to fit to the japanese letter, under relaxation, was practiced to 8 cases and all cured or improved.In 12 cases treated by pharmacotherapy, only 3-5 cases improved.In 14 cases treated by atuogenic training by individual leadership, graphomotor retraining by them-selves, 11 cases imoproved.It is concluded that the graphomotor retraining, fitted to japanses letter, under relaxation, is most effective.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1968-04-01
- 精神医学よりみた心身医学(日米合同シンポジウム(第4回精神身体医学会シンポジウム))
- 学校恐怖症(登校拒否児)とレテビの関係とその行動療法
- てんかんの心身医学的研究 (3) : てんかんの性格と生育期環境
- ナルコレプシー・カタプレキシーの20例の心身医学的研究
- 書痙の治療の研究
- Psychosomatic study of vertigo