- 論文の詳細を見る
The comparative investigation on the larval parasites of two species, Adoxophyes orana FISCHERVON ROSLERSTAMM and A. fasciata WALSINGHAM, which are so similar that they were identified with a single species for a long time, were made in 1971 and 1972 in Tokushima Pref. where both species occur sympatrically. The common parasites of the both tortricid larvae included Apanteles sp., Bracon adoxophyesi (Hym. : Braconidae), Goniozus japonicus (Hym. : Bethylidae), Campoplex homonae (Hym. : Ichneumonidae) and Pseudoperichaeta insidiosa (Dip. : Tachinidae), of which the last was rare. Rogas sp. (Hym. : Braconidae) and Gelinae sp. (Hym. : Ichneumonidae) emerged only from A. fasciata very rarely. The dominant larval parasites seemed to be Apanteles sp. on the first and second generations of the hosts and Goniozus japonicus on the third generation in Tokushima.
- 日本応用動物昆虫学会の論文
- 1976-03-25
- カキノキカキカイガラムシの寄主植物
- ヤマモモ果実を加害するショウジョウバエの観察例
- 徳島県におけるアトウスキハマキの生活史ならびにその寄生性昆虫
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- 徳島県のナシ園およびその付近の生垣におけるハマキガ類の寄生性天敵
- 徳島県におけるリンゴコカクモンハマキおよびチャノコカクモンハマキ幼虫の寄生性天敵
- 徳島県のナシ園におけるハマキガ類の発生消長の観察例
- 154 性フェロモンによる直接的防除の可能性について : フェロコン「ナシヒメシンクイ」のマストラップ(一般講演)
- カキノキカキカイガラムシの発生と分布拡大
- ナシのハマキガ類の寄生性天敵昆虫