広義心身症の中の中心脳性発作性異常脳波群の頻度, その病態および治療方法の選択について
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In this study, clinical and electroencephalographical observations were performed on the 157 subjects who were thought to need psychosomatic comprehensive cares. The subjects consited of 53 males and 104 females, with ages ranging from 9 to 80.The results obtained were summarized as follows : 1) The abnormal EEG-paroxysms of centrencephalic nature (6-14 Hz positive spikes and others) were found in 48 cases (30.5%).2) The varieties of complaints presented by the patients with abnormal EEG's and normal ones were demonstrated. But among all complaints, no marked differences were found.3) In the incidence of mental states, any significant differences were not observed among both groups.4) The varieties and incidence of clinical classification were investigated in all subjects.And some characteristics were found. Masked depression showed a high incidence among the patients with normal EEG's. On the other hand, among abnormal EEG's, the incidences of autonomic seizures were most common.5) Their psychogenic factors, which were supposed to be preparatory ones such as character, environment, hereditary or experience, and immediate triggers such as changes in physical or mental circumstances, were investigated. As the result, psychodynamic relationships were found in 73.3% of normal EEG's and in 55.8% of abnormal ones.6) The clinical results showed no differences between normal EEG's and abnormal ones.But the rate of effective cases was 4.4% in normal EEG's and 19.2% in abnormal ones.The effective cases were divided into two groups which were treated by medicines such as antiepileptics, minor tranquilizers or antidepressants separately and in combined use with other treatments. But no differences were observed between normal EEG's and abnormal ones.Thus our experiences showed the importance of EEG-examination especially among psychosomatic diseases.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1985-12-01
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