心身医学的側面よりみた老年期痴呆(生涯各期における心身症をめぐる諸問題 : 老年期)
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Dementia is one of the most common clinical symptoms among aged persons. According to the reports by Hasegawa et al. and Karasawa et al., approximate eight percent of the aged with the ages of 65 years and over are afflicted with some mental illnesses and about a half of them are suffering from demented state.In today's medicine, dementia refers only to deterioration of the mental function due to organic deseases of the cerebral hemisphere. However, the relationship between dementia and brain status has not been consistently observed. Few studies on dementia have paid attention to the somatic, psychological or social background of the subjects, although these socio-psychosomatic factors are known to influence intellectual function as well as certain variables such as the EEG. Especially at early stages of dementia, many of early symptoms of dementia differ little either quantitatively or qualitatively from those that occur in normal, healthy individuals who are exhausted, anxious or subject to severe environmental pressures.The intellectural deterioration commonly seen among aged persons undoubtedly is closely related to the structural and functional impairment of the brain. With a given brain impairment some individuals follow a pattern of simple and gradual intellectual deterioration and are without any significant complication. They are able to maintain a relatively active life and makes a reasonably good adjustment in the community. In contrast, many others deteriorate rapidly and present a variety of complications-depression, regression, agitation, paranoid symptoms. The differences between these two groups are very likely the result of the differences in their physical health, socio-economic status, environment and personality.Therefore, Wang points out that dementia as a clinical syndrome can be viewed as a socio-psycho-somatic disorder. Although brain impairment is an obligatory factor in most cases of intellectural deterioration, many socio-psychological factors also play an important contributory role. These factors may aggravate the behavioral manifestations of intellectual deterioration.They may also accelerate the decline of physical health, which, in turn, may affect the brain as well as the socio-psychological condition of the individual. Frequently all these factors interact with each other and form a vicious cycle that leads to further deterioration. The interaction of these social, psychological and somatic factors often becomes the most important determinant of hte course and outcome of dementia. Early recognition and correction of these factors may help prevent the development of complications and slow down the progression deterioration.This paper describes, a definition and causal diseases of dementia, clinical characteristics of of dementia in the aged, clinical symptoms which should be differentiated from demented state, factors which influence the clinical course and outcome of dementia, and psychotherapeutic approach for the aged with dementia. It also emphasises psychosomaitc aspects of dementia in the aged.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1985-04-01
- 質疑応答--老年期痴呆の対応 (第39回社会保険指導者講習会--老年期痴呆の対応)
- 座談会 老年精神医学の専門性を求めて
- IB-1 老年痴呆の臨床評価
- IB-3 精神薄弱学童生徒におけるてんかんの疫学的調査
- 8.重症心身症4例の問題点(第23回日本心身医学会関東地方会演題抄録)
- CI-14. 文化的identificationと関係のある心身症(精神神経科(2))(第19回日本心身医学会総会抄録・質疑応答)
- CI-6. 老年期痴呆の予後について : 心身医学の観点から(精神神経科(1))(第19回日本心身医学会総会抄録・質疑応答)
- 15.老年期痴呆の脳波学的検討(第20回日本心身医学会関東地方会 演題抄録)
- 施設老人の心身症(老年期の心身症)(一般演題抄録・質疑応答(A, B))(第15回日本精神身体医学会総会)
- 4.心身症を含む神経質の背景に関する研究 : 一卵性双生児3例について(第14回日本精神身体医学会関東地方会演題抄録)
- 8.患者の現存在における危機感とイメージ投影(第11回日本精神身体医学会関東地方会)
- 10.恵まれすぎた老年心身症者の問題点(《第9回日本精神身体医学会関東地方会》演題抄録・質疑応答)
- 心身医学的側面よりみた老年期痴呆(生涯各期における心身症をめぐる諸問題 : 老年期)
- 4.心身医学の観点からみた老年痴呆(4.老年期)(生涯各期における心身症をめぐる諸問題)
- 716 高齢者の知的機能の検討 : 痴呆老人を対象として その2(測定・評価3,研究発表)
- 715 高齢者の知的機能の検討 : 痴呆老人を対象として その1(測定・評価3,研究発表)
- 老年精神疾患の予後 (老年精神疾患へのアプロ-チ) -- (老年精神疾患の総論的事項)
- 痴呆 (老年内科疾患の臨床--その病態と対策) -- (老年者の病態とその対策)
- 初老期痴呆患者における染色体異常-1- (第74回日本精神神経学会総会特集-1-精神医療・医学の今日的課題) -- (老年期の精神障害--痴呆を中心として--関連演題(シンポジウム))
- 老年期痴呆 (前駆症状と軽微症状--分析から処置まで) -- (主要疾患の前駆症状と早期発見)