老人心身症の発症要因と病型について : 老年医学, 社会構造の立場から(生涯各期における心身症をめぐる諸問題 : 老年期)
- 論文の詳細を見る
With the elderly representing 9.8% of the population as of 1982,Japan can be considered to have entered the age of oldage. The graying of the nation has been bringing about sweeping changes in various aspects of society. For one thing, the number of the elderly living alone increased by 3.0% from 1971 to 1977. Whereas the number of the elderly living with their families decreased by 7.6%. The lifestyle is affected by these changes in the social structure.On the other hand, mental function in the elderly becomes diminished with aging. As a result, both reserve capacity and adaptability are lower in the elderly than in the young. The elderly are said to be liable to develop stress-induced disease because of diminished ability to cope with physical, psychosomatic and social stress. Although the elderly are more prone to psychosomatic disorder than the young for the reasons given above, this disease seems to have hardly been investigated from the standpoint of its relationship to the changes in the social structure.In the present study elderly persons with psychosomatic disorders and those without anything abnormal were compared in relation to their environmental conditions and changes in the social structure with a view to clarifying factors predisposing to psychosomatic disorders and types of the disease.The subjects of this study consisted of 107 elderly persons without physical disorders admitted to an old-age home, and of them 11 (10.3%) had complaints. The old-age home inmates (living 4 to 5 to a room) changed roommates every month. As a result of this change in the living environment the number of inmates with complaints increased to 14 (13.0%). When 78 anemic elderly inmates with physical disorders also changed roommates similarly, the number of inmates with complaints increased by 6.6%. In short, the frequency of psychosomatic disorders was higher with diseased elderly inmates than with healthy ones, when they had a change in their living environment.The effects of the changing social structure on the lifestyle of the elderly were determined in terms of personality, activities of daily living, objective of living, and CMI in three groups;elderly persons living alone, those living with their spouses adn those living with their families.The elderly living alone were generally characterized by an inactive lifestyle, distorted personality seclusion from society, loss of the objective of living, and significantly low CMI, as compared with other two groups. Further, a larger number of the elderly living alone had psychosomatic disorders of the dependent and depressive or the elusive type.These findings suggest that the phenemenon of physical and mental aging lowers the reserve capacity and adaptability of the elderly, so that they lose balance, both mentally and physically.Further, the changes in lifestyle and environment arising from the changing social struture seem to facilitate the development of psychosomatic disorders in the elderly living alone.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1985-04-01
- 31.慢性疾患を有する老夫婦世帯の心身医学的研究 : 脳血管障害例の場合(第53回日本心身医学会関東・甲信越地方会演題抄録)
- 高齢者の貧血-原因, 鑑別法, 対策
- 4.痴呆患者における自律神経機能とその病因との関連性(第50回日本心身医学会関東地方会演題抄録)
- II-D-52 痴呆(SDAT, VD)患者における自律神経機能と病態(老人)(一般口演)
- 22. 老人の狭心症と心臓神経症の鑑別診断(第47回日本心身医学会関東地方会演題抄録)
- II-E-9 うつ病と脳梗塞が合併し経過中に痴呆をきたした高令者の1例(老年病)
- 7. 老人の脳血管障害経過中における抑うつ状態発生について(第41回日本心身医学会関東地方会演題抄録)
- 老人心身症の発症要因と病型について : 老年医学, 社会構造の立場から(生涯各期における心身症をめぐる諸問題 : 老年期)
- 2.老年医学, 社会構成からみた老人心身症の発症要因と病型について(4.老年期)(生涯各期における心身症をめぐる諸問題)
- 高齢者貧血の病態と治療
- 老人心身症発症とself-control : 第38回日本心身医学会関東地方会演題抄録
- 29. 高齢者と若年者肺癌細胞の比較 : 核DNA量と核蛋白量を中心として(呼吸器5 肺癌, 一般講演・口演, 第26回日本臨床細胞学会学術集会)
- II-E-7 老年科発足後1年間に経験したうつ病と老年期疾患(老年病)
- 二重盲検法によるBroncasma Bernaの気管支喘息に対する治療成績
- 老人の心身医学的診療 (日常診療における心身医学) -- (ライフサイクルと心身医学)
- 高齢者の薬物療法
- 高齢者の薬の使い方 (医学講座対談集)
- 新薬承認情報公開の必要性とそのメリット・デメリット : 医者と薬の立場から(新薬承認関係の情報公開に望む)
- 老人医療--在宅患者のマネジメント (老人医療--その指導・管理の実践)
- 老人の薬動力学 (包括的老人医療) -- (老人疾患の特異性)
- 老人の初診の問題点 (初診のコツと初期治療) -- (専門領域--初診の問題点)
- 貧血 (老人医療--その指導・管理の実践) -- (老年者の治療・指導・管理の実践)
- 高齢者白血病とその治療 (白血病の治療)
- 老年病科領域と心身症 (心身症) -- (心身症の臨床)
- 老年者の薬物療法の注意点 (老年者医療のトピックス)
- 390 若年者と高齢者肺癌の定量細胞化学的比較
- 131.肺癌の骨髄転移に関する研究(第32群:呼吸器〔肺癌(I)〕, 一般講演および示説, 第23回日本臨床細胞学会総会)
- 老人の心身症の考え方とその治療 (各種疾患への心身医学的アプロ-チ) -- (心身症治療の概況)
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- タイトル無し
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