難病者の心理特性について : ベーチェット病患者と人工透析患者の不安
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Subjects were 39 patients with Behcet's disease (25 males, 14 females) and 36 ones treated with dialysis (24 males, 12 females). They were evaluated by Cornell Medical Index (CMI), Manifest Anxiety Scale (MAS), author's own questionnaire about some sociopsychological problems and inerviews.The results were summarized as follows;1) About one-half of the subjects were found the III and IV areas of CMI.2) The profiles of physiological complaints in CMI showed a pattern related to the special symptoms of each disease. However, with regard to psychiatric complaints, there were no differences between both diseases.3) Significant correlations between scores of CMI and MAS were obtained, particularly in the "inadequacy"-item.4) The mean of MAS scores were as follows;Behcet's patient, meles : 19.7±9.7,females : 22.5±10.0. Dialysis, males : 19.6±9.3,females : 19.6±6.1. In females with Behcet's disease, the scores of MAS were correlative to the duration of illness. However, in the dialysis' patients, the scores of MAS were the highest in less than one year after the beginning of the treatment.5) For the patient with Behcet's disease, in males with ages from 40 to 59 scores of MAS were the lowest, whereas the scores were higher in both sexes from 40 to 59 years with dialysis.6) In Behcet's patients, anxieties were markedly correlative to the complaints of CMI. However, in dialysis' patients there were some discrepancies between anxiety-manifestations of the two personality tests and the evaluation of interviews.
- 1982-08-01
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- 難病者の心理特性について : ベーチェット病患者と人工透析患者の不安
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