現代中国における教育行政の地方分権改革 : 義務教育を中心に
- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper tries to uncover the reality of the decentralization reform on educational administration in contemporary China through institutional approach and experimental study. This papaer is different from the conventional research in that, most of the conventional research took an institutional approach, the analytic focus was placed on the presentation of the advantages and disadvantages in decentralization reform. In order to uncover the reality of decentralization reform, this paper analyzes educational policy after 1985. Furthemore this study also examines the ongoing curriculum reform as an example of the decentralization. This study concludes that decentralization reform on educational administration in contemparary China is continuously prompted and the key future that both the expansion of central authority and decentralization are coinciding increasing.
- 東京大学の論文
- 2002-02-25