文化人類学における価値研究の問題点 : 研究ノート
- 論文の詳細を見る
This is a general and critical review of the study of values in cultura] anthropology. The study of values seems to be one approach to the study of culture and social structure in general as well as of particular cultures. An analytical separation of ' values ' from 'social structure ' and ' culture ' may be advantageous for describing such socio-cultural phenomenon as socio-cultural change, the author argues. Moreover, in his view, the analysis of value dynamics would be more fruitfu] than a static study of values. Two points are emphasized. One is that value dynamics should be explained not only on the psychological level, but also on the cultural level in terms of a dynamic theory of culture. The author suggests what such a theory of culture and related theory of values might include. The other point the author stresses is that the study of values should be made in terms of socio-cultural data collected within the framework of structtiral analysis. While other data collecting techniques are valuable, such as Vogt's life-history approach for studying values among Navahos, these should be considered secondary or complementary. The " Iittle community approach " of Professor Redfield provides a better solution, the author believes. This approach is now being followed in his field work in a rural village in Japan.
- 日本文化人類学会の論文
- 1959-01-25
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- Rodney NEEDHAM (ed.), Right and Left : Essays on Dual Symbolic Classification., Chicago and London : The University of Chicago Press, 1973., 449pp., $19.50.
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- 離島村落の社会人類学的研究
- George M. FOSTER, Traditional Cultures : and the Iwpact of Technological Change, Harper & Brothers, New York, 1962, 292p., $4.75
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- 築島謙三, 『文化心理学基礎論』, 東京 : 東京大学東洋文化研究所, 1962, 478p.
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- 文化人類学における価値研究の問題点 : 研究ノート
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