指尖脈波のリアプノフ・スペクトル解析 : パラメータと臨床的応用に関する検討(自然科学系)
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We investigated four parameters for the Lyapunov spectrum analysis of digital plethysmograms. We selected the following parameters: the sampling time, 5 ms to convert analog signals into digital signals; the size of the referential displacement vectors that approximated the Jacobian matrices, 5% of the maximum on the horizontal extent of the attractor; the embedding space dimension, 5th dimension; and the spectrum range, 3,500. Digital plethysmograms were recorded from healthy subjects, patients with Parkinson's disease, a patient with frequent premature ventricular beats, and a patient with brain death. From these plethysomograms, the attractors in the 3rd dimensional phase space were reconstructed. Using our four parameters, we analyzed these plethysomograms with the 5th dimensional Lyapunov spectrum and found chaos in them. While the attractors of the healthy subjects were complicated, the attractors of the patients were very simple, reflecting their morbidity. Also, the 1st Lyapunov exponent, the KS-entropy, and the Lyapunov dimension that were estimated from this Lyapunov spectrum analysis reflected the morbidity of each patient. In addition, each of these values was lower than that of the healthy subjects. Based on these findings we concluded that the attractors, depicted by means of the 3rd dimensional phase space and the 5th dimensional Lyapunov spectrum analysis, can be applied in clinical diagnosis to evaluate cardiovascular or autonomic function.
- 1997-12-31
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