気功保健体操の効能 : 長寿,健康の秘密-2
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Exercise with deep breathing (EWDB) is one of the methods used to keep healthy which has been traditionally performed in China. Ventilatory response during the EWDB and the Cu, Zn-SOD levels in RBC before and after the exercise were measured. The values of minutes ventilation (VE) and ventilatory frequency (Vf) were significantly lower than the same values in the control group. In contrast to a control walking group with the same amount of oxygen consumption, in the EWDB group, the Cu, Zn-SOD levels in RBC was significantly decreased immediately after the exercise and was significantly lowered 30 minutes after the exercise compared with pre-exercise level. This suggested that the slow and deep breathing in EWDB group could lower the superoxide anion radical stress in the body during light exercising.
- 関西鍼灸大学の論文
- 1998-06-30
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