アジアの局地経済圏と地方経済の国際化 : 福岡県と中国とのリンケージを中心に
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The most noticeable phenomenon in world economy these days is the existence of economies of various scales with the development of world economic unification. The conglomeration of regional economies has already emerged because internationalization of the world economy has reached a stage of maturity. The prospect and mechanism of regional economic cooperation in the Asian Pacific area has not clearly been explored yet. Since regional cooperation has not developed to the degree of conglomeration, regional cooperation issue in the Asia Pacific Zone is getting more and more important. The major players of regional economic conglomeration in the Asia Pacific region are not central governments but local governments. Based on social and geographical similarities of various districts among Japan, mainland China and some Eastern Asian countries, district governments have been trying to build their districts into hot exchange centers between Japan and Eastern Asia through various routes to enhance economic exchanges. This paper mainly analyzes the background, current status and characteristics of economic exchanges between Fukuoka and China. The importance of district government and enterprises in Asian economies, the current status and problems existing in Chinese-Japanese exchanges are also explored in this paper. The analysis in this paper is based on actual investigations in Fukuoka, the Kyushu district. I am very grateful to Sasakawa Peace Group, Fukuoka's International Exchange Association and related departments and units for their help.
- 城西大学の論文
- 1998-03-28
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