- 論文の詳細を見る
Finance is the core of modern economy ; the reform of financial system is the most important and difficult thing in China's present economic reform. Although the Asia Financial Crisis in 1997 badly affected China's economy, it also pushed China to reform its financial system. Chapter one is the brief revive on the history of financial reform in China. Chapter two is the analysis of the changes in China Financial Organization System. In chapter three and chapter four, by the comparison with non-state owned banks ; I did some analysis on the present operation of state-owned commercial banks and the problems in banking system reform.
- 城西大学の論文
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- 中国年金制度の仕組みと年金改革
- 中国の金融改革と国有銀行のリストラ
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- 日本企業の対中技術移転の現状と問題点(日本企業の対外技術移転の現状 : テクノグローバリゼーションの観点から)
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