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A non-linear Dirichlet boundary value problem Δu+λe^u=O in a simply connected domain in R^2 is considered. Weston-Moseley's theory yields a method to construct solutions of the above problem from the roots of a certain equation associated with the domain. An application of Golubitsky-Schaeffer's bifurcation theory clarifies the bifurcation phenomena of those roots as the domain varies, which leads to the bifurcation of solutions of our problem.
- 東京工芸大学の論文
- 1988-01-15
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- Local Profile of mild solutions in 2D symmetric domains(Solutions for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations)
- 数学教育におけるCAI : フラクタル幾何学入門
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- On saddle basic sets for Axiom A polynomial skew products on \mathbb{C}^2 (Integrated Research on Complex Dynamics)