教育実習における社会科授業構成に関する考察 : 小学校5年「日本の畑作」を素材として
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In this article, I tried to make clear the sutdy of subject matter and construction of lesson for the teacher training in elementaly social studies.The result of the analysis is as follows:1) Student teachers have to be based on the contents of textbook in teaching, but teacher need not it, that is the most different viewpoint in the teacher training.2) Terefore, it is necessary that student teachers study the textbook and find the problems of himself and attempt to solve it. In teaching, he has to change these experiences to "inquiry process".3) I attempted to make a lesson construction of "agriculture" which is based on the problem of student teachers, and asked one of them to do that teaching plan. I find that, as a result, the problem which is found by students is equal to pupils' in elementary school.
- 熊本大学の論文
- 1989-02-28
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- 教育実習における社会科授業構成に関する考察 : 小学校5年「日本の畑作」を素材として