コメディア・デッラルテと狂言 : 東西の笑いの交流(学長特別研究事業報告)
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The purpose of this project was to put on the stage a performance of Italian Commedia dell'arte and to compare it with Japanese traditional comedy Kyogen. It was organized as a joint research project by three professors of Sizuoka University of Art and Culture: Kazufumi Takada, Akihiko Senda and Naohiko Umewaka.The stage performance and symposium were open to the public and were held on September 9th 2000 in the auditorium of the University with an audience of about 320. First the Teatro Paravento Company presented a piece of Commedia dell'arte entitled "I casi della fame e dell'amore" (The Story of Hunger and Love), with traditional masks and costumes. The performance seemed to be well understood and very much appreciated by Japanese audience, even though actors spoke mainly in Italian. This is partly because the performers of Commedia dell'arte tend to make much use of gestures and body languages. Then, in the symposium, after watching a part of Kyogen performance on the video, Takada, Umewaka and David M. Zurbuchen, leader of the Paravento, discussed similarities and differences between two traditional styles of comedy. During the discussion participants dealt with various topics such as: stylization of acting, stock characters, use of masks, role of the actress, speed and rhythm of acting, hystorical backgrounds and developments of these two styles, etc.
- レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチ複製素描画展記念シンポジウム報告集
- コメディア・デッラルテと狂言 : 東西の笑いの交流(学長特別研究事業報告)
- 大学におけるイタリア語教育の現状と第二外国語学習の意義について
- 現代イタリア演劇の研究 : ダリオ・フォーのびっくり箱2001・2002
- 文化政策の前提に関する考察 : 文化政策論研究会中間報告(文化政策をめぐる諸問題)