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The regular spiking pattern has been demonstrated to change into a fast rhythmic bursting pattern in some pyramidal cells (Kang & Kayano, 1994). The fast rhythmic bursting pattern is presumed to play a crucial role in evoking the gamma-band EEG oscillation that emerges on cognition or on rehearsal of short-term memory (Gray & McCormick, 1996). Since the enhancement of depolarizing afterpotentials (DAP) appeared to be involved in the transformation of firing patterns, we investigated the ionic mechanisms underlying the DAP and its potentiation in pyramidal cells in rat frontal cortical slices using the whole-cell recording method. The generation of DAP was found to be mediated by a Ca^<2+> dependent cationic current (Kang, Okada & Ohmori, 1998). Furthermore, the Ca^<2+> dependent cationic current was found to be enhanced Ca^<2+>-dependently. This would be consistent with our previous observation that repetitive application of strong depolarization induced fast rhythmic burst firing as a consequence of an enhancement of DAP, because the intracellular Ca^<2+> concentration increases following repetitive strong membrane depolarization.
- 北海道医療大学の論文
- 2001-12-31
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