ジュール・ヴェルヌ著、榊原晃三訳『二十世紀のパリ』集英社(1995) : 原著Jules Verne, PARIS au XXe SIECLE, Preface et etablissement du texte par Piero Gondolo della Riva, Hachette et le cherche midi editeur, Paris 1994
- 論文の詳細を見る
The article presented herein is a book review of "Paris in the 20th Century" by Jules Verne. This unedited book, only recently discovered, was written in 1863, predicting life in Paris in the 1960's. Mr.Verne predicts that the arts, literature, music, etc. have been destroyed through massive advances in technology. The people of the 20th century, he says, are consumed by materialism.
- 信州短期大学の論文
- 儒教思想の18世紀フランス社会・経済思想への影響について : 諸見解の批判的検討を中心に(社会科学編)
- 矢内原伊作著『ジャコメッティ』、みすず書房(1996)
- ジュール・ヴェルヌ著、榊原晃三訳『二十世紀のパリ』集英社(1995) : 原著Jules Verne, PARIS au XXe SIECLE, Preface et etablissement du texte par Piero Gondolo della Riva, Hachette et le cherche midi editeur, Paris 1994