アジア通貨危機前後の韓国自動車産業における部品調達構造の変化 : 部品メーカーの取引企業数の変化を中心に (柳原範夫・筒井清子名誉教授定年御退職記念号)
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This paper analyzes the changes in the transaction structure of auto parts makers in Korea's automobile industry since the currency crisis of 1997. Examining the auto parts transaction structure during the years from 1996 to 1999, it turns out that the number of assembly companies working with auto parts manufacturers increased, suggesting that the previously closed auto parts transaction structure of Korea has been eased somewhat . However, at the same time it was noted that, auto parts makers reduced the number of assembly companies that they dealt with during the process of optimizing their business transactions. The aforementioned changes in the auto parts transaction structure of Korea's automobile industry has mainly been influenced by the recession in the domestic economy, due to the currency crisis, and by the resulting efforts of auto parts makers to maintain an optimum number of assembly companies. Meanwhile, contrary to expectations, investment in domestic auto parts manufactures by foreign capital turned out not to much affect the changes within the auto parts transaction structure of the Korean automobile industry. Key words: buyer-seller relationship, the Korean automobile industry, optimal number of customers
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