<原著>呼吸器疾患におけるリンパ球に関する免疫学的研究 : 第 1 篇呼吸器疾患における末梢血リンパ球の Subpopulation に関する研究
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この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。The population of T lymphocyte forming rosettes with sheep erythrocytes was counted in peripheral blood from healthy adults and patients of respiratory diseases including pulmonary carcinoma, pulmonary tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, chronic infection of bronchus, pulmonary emphysema, bronchial asthma, pulmonary cyst, collagen disease and acute pneumonia. The population of B lymphocyte was also counted by surface makers of immunoglobulins (SIBC) and by receptors for activated complement (CRC) in the same material. Parallel studies on the tuberculin sensitivity and on the serum immunoglobulin level were performed. The results are summarized as follows; 1) Sarcoidosis : T lymphocyte decreased markedly. On the other hand, B lymphocyte increased in the active phase of sarcoidosis which showed a high level of serum immunoglobulin. 2) Both pulmonary carcinoma and chronic infection of bronchus showed a decreased number of T lymphocyte. However, the number of B lymphocyte was within the normal range, in spite of the high level of serum immunoglobulin. 3) The effect of ^<60>Co irradiation : B lymphocyte decreased to about half of the starting number of cells immediately after 3,000 rads. irradiation. On the other hand T lymphocyte decreased to about half of the starting number of cells one month after the completion of the irradiation (6000 rads.). Both T lymphocyte and B lymphocyte recovered to normal range six months after the completion of the irradiation. 4) Pulmonary tuberculosis : T lymphocyte decreased and B lymphocyte increased in the active stage. However, both were within the normal range by the cured stage. 5) Both pulmonary emphysema and bronchial asthma showed a slight decrease of T lymphocyte and a slight increase of B lymphocyte. 6) It was hard to interpret the results obtained in the other diesases, because the number of cases were insufficient for thorough analysis. 7) The correlation between number of T lymphocyte and tuberculin sensitivity seems to be insignificant. It was caused by multiplicity of T cell function (effector, helper and suppressor). On the other hand, the correlation between number of B lymphocyte and serum immunoglobulin level was seen in both sarcoidosis and active tuberculosis. However, B lymphocyte numbers of both pulmonary carcinoma and chronic infection of bronchus were within the normal range, and yet in spite of that the serum immunoglobulins were still on a high level. It suggests therefore that an inhibitor, which masks the receptors of B lymphocyte does exist in the body fluid.
- 京都大学の論文
- 1977-03-30
- Feinstein分類による肺癌患者の予後 : 第14回日本肺癌学会総会演題抄録
- 呼吸器疾患におけるリンパ球に関する免疫学的研究 : 第 2 篇サルコイドージス患者血清のヒト・リンパ球のヒツジ赤血球による rosette formation 阻害作用に関する研究
- 呼吸器疾患におけるリンパ球に関する免疫学的研究 : 第 1 篇呼吸器疾患における末梢血リンパ球の Subpopulation に関する研究