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This paper describes the structure of visual telemedicine network system using the informationnetwork system (INS) net 64 line for supporting the health consultation to the regional inhabitants.And in this paper, the authors also discuss the effective use in common of the database of the basicbiological information and the sensory event-related physiologycal changes (SERPCs) on the proposednetwork system.The proposed network system using INS net 64 line is composed of two personal computers ofDOS/V type with the interface for electric teleconference, a change-coupled device (CCD) camera recorder,an automatic blood pressure meter, an electro clinical thermometer and a data collection devicefor biomedical infomation. The system enables high speed data transfer of medical images and medical teleconference.As the basic biomedical information data, the blood pressure, the body temperature and the calcaneumbone stiffness were measured with the automatic blood pressure meter, the electro clinicalthermometer and an ultra-sound bone densitometer, respectively. On the other hand, as the databaseof SERPCs, the authors used the data of an electrocephalogram (EEG), electromyogram (EMG), a bodytemperature and a microvibration on the palm and a heart rate.In conclusion, it was confirmed that the database of the basic biological information and theSERPCs was able to use effctively in common on the proposed network system.
- 秋田大学の論文
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